
Think. Check. Submit.

Publishing the outputs of your research is an important stage of a scientific practice, as it promotes the dissemination of knowledge in your area and contributes to the progress of science. But with the amount of existing publications, how can you be sure if a particular journal is reliable? Think. Check. Submit., an initiative of organizations involved in the scientific communication process, helps researchers identify trusted journals and publishers. Through a variety of tools and resources, this international and cross-sectoral initiative aims to educate researchers, promote integrity and establish trust in scientific research and publishing.

This form is one such tool.

Cadernos de Linguística - CadLin, ISSN 2675-4916, is a journal funded by the Brazilian Linguistics Association, Abralin. Have you read articles published in our journal? Browse our main page to see our latest publications. CadLin publishes articles in the most diverse areas of Linguistics. Surely you will find articles of your interest.

Papers submitted to CadLin undergo a rigorous reviewing process, conducted by experts in the field, in a double-unblinded system of peers (at least two per article). In this process, the author(s) and the reviewers are not anonymous to each other. We believe that this transparent process helps to re-establish bonds of trust with the community and allows reviewers to be recognized and rewarded for the important work they do. Learn more about our peer review process here. The page also provides information about the journal's conflict of interest policy.

All accepted articles are published in PDF, HTML and XML, receive a permanent digital identifier (DOI) and are deposited in long-term preservation archives (CLOKSS and LOCKSS). Articles are indexed in several major indexers such as Latindex, LatinREV, Livre, MLA, QOAM, Scite, Summaries, WorldCat and TOP Factor. CadLin is featured as one of the two highest scoring TOP Factor journals, an alternative metric for evaluating the quality of scientific journals, and an improvement over traditional metrics that are based on mean citation rates (Impact Factor, Qualis, etc).

Following the principles of Open Science, Cadlin adopts the platinum open access policy, allowing immediate access to the content of the journal without the payment of subscription fees. Authors pay no article publication charges; all the costs of publishing the journal are met by Abralin. The journal publishes articles under the CC BY 4.0 license, and reserves copyright exclusively to their authors.

CadLin is a journal ran by researchers and designed for researchers. If you have any suggestions or questions, please contact the editors! Information on how to do this, by phone, email or conventional mail, is on the contact page. Meet our editorial team, composed by distinguished researchers.

We have an open call for Registered Reports. Read the full call and submit a proposal.

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