Accepted Manuscript Formatting

Accepted papers should be revised to align with the journal's formatting requirements. Please follow these guidelines when revising your paper:


The manuscript title must be provided in both the manuscript's original language and an additional language. Please underline a maximum of three words in the title. These words will be highlighted in the PDF version of the paper.


The abstract should be provided in both the manuscript's original language and an additional language (please use the same language used for the title).


Include 3 to 5 keywords, separated by periods, in the manuscript's original language. The same keywords should be provided in an additional language (matching the title's language).

Lay Summary

The lay summary should concisely outline the article's focus and findings using non-technical language, making it accessible to non-experts. The lay summary should not exceed 200 words. Do not use citations, acronyms, or abbreviations. Refer to our Lay Summary Guidelines for more information.

Section Headings

Number all section headings except for the Introduction.

Illustrations (Tables, Graphs, Figures, Boxes)

The title of each illustration should begin with the illustration's name (in bold), numbered sequentially (e.g., Table 1., Table 2., Graph 1., Graph 2.), and placed below the illustration. When referencing previously published illustrations, provide the source. All illustrations should be inserted within the text, immediately following the paragraph of citation. Use grayscale illustrations whenever possible. If using color illustrations, ensure they are accessible to colorblind individuals.


Follow the ABNT NBR 10520 guidelines for citations.

For indirect citations (paraphrases), cite the author's last name within parentheses, followed by a comma and the publication year (e.g., Swerts, 1997). If the author's name is already mentioned in the text, only the publication year in parentheses is required, such as "According to Oliveira Jr (2000)...".

When indicating a page number in a direct quotation, place it after the year, preceded by "p." (e.g., Oliveira Jr, 2000, p. 95). Direct quotations under three lines should be enclosed in double quotation marks, while those exceeding three lines should be indented 4cm from the left, with font size 10, and no quotation marks.

To differentiate works by the same author and year, use lowercase letters without spacing (e.g., Ferreira, 2007a).

Cite two or three authors by listing their names separated by semicolons (e.g., Huettig; Rommers; Meyer, 2011). For more than three authors, use the first author's name followed by "et al." in italics (e.g., Almeida et al., 2013). List all authors in the References.

Basic Information

After the main text and before the References, provide the following information:

Acknowledgements (optional): Any acknowledgements should be presented in their own paragraph with a header.

Competing Interests (required): Declare any competing interests for authors. If there are none, state "The author(s) declare(s) no competing interests."

Research Preregistration and Standards (required): Confirm in this section if research standards from the Equator Network were applied. If research was preregistered, include links to preregistrations and indicate if any analysis plan changes occurred.

Data Accessibility Statement (required): Provide a Data Availability Statement.

Ethics and Consent (if applicable): Approvals from ethics committees should be detailed in this section, if applicable, including committee name and approval reference. 

Disclosure of Funding Sources (if applicable): Declare research support received to promote transparency.

Examples of Reference Formatting

BRAYNER, A. R. A.; MEDEIROS, C. B. Incorporação do tempo em SGBD orientado a objetos. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCO DE DADOS, 9., 1994, São Paulo. Anais [...]. São Paulo: USP, 1994. p. 16-29. (Example of a work published in Proceedings)

DANTAS, José Alves et al. Regulação da auditoria em sistemas bancários: análise do cenário internacional e fatores determinantes. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, São Paulo, v. 25, n. 64, p. 7-18, jan./abr. 2014. DOI Acesso em: 20 maio 2014 (Example of an article published in a journal with a DOI).

LUCK, Heloisa. Liderança em gestão escolar. 4. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2010. (Example of a book)

MORAES, João Antônio de; RILLIARD, Albert. “Prosody and Emotion in Brazilian Portuguese”. In: ARMSTRONG, Meghan E.; HENRIKSEN, Nicholas; VANRELL, Maria del Mar. Intonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2016, p. 135-152. (Example of a book chapter)

RODRIGUES, Ana Lúcia Aquilas. Impacto de um programa de exercícios no local de trabalho sobre o nível de atividade física e o estágio de prontidão para a mudança de comportamento. 2009. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fisiopatologia Experimental) – Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2009. (Example of an academic work – thesis, dissertation, etc.)

SEKEFF, Gisela. O emprego dos sonhos. Domingo, Rio de Janeiro, ano 26, n. 1344, p. 30-36, 3 fev. 2002. (Example of a journal article without URL or DOI)

Before submitting the revised version, authors are required to meticulously review the manuscript for textual issues, such as grammar and spelling errors. Authors must ensure that this final version is free from any such problems. The editors and/or reviewers of the journal will not be involved in conducting any form of textual revision.

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