Cadernos de Linguística is an open-access journal published by the Brazilian Linguistics Association - Abralin. The journal is currently accepting proposals for theme issues on broad and current linguistic themes, which will be guest-edited by experts in the field and will feature new research by prominent academics. The aim of each issue is to provide an authoritative and original summary that highlights recent developments while laying the groundwork for future research, applications, and policy decisions.
Scientists from any part of the world are welcome to submit a proposal, and it is not necessary to be affiliated with Abralin. Submissions from scientists at any stage of their careers are accepted, provided they can demonstrate expertise and experience in their field. Proposals must guarantee at least ten articles by invited authors, with provisional titles, authorship, and a brief description of the article's content. Although not mandatory, proposals should also include a public call for papers. All manuscripts submitted to a theme issue will be evaluated by the Open Peer Review system, in a process coordinated by the proponents.
Theme issue proposals are evaluated by members of the journal's Editorial Board. The editor will recommend acceptance, rejection, or changes following the review process. If changes are required, a revised proposal must be submitted within two weeks.
If a proposal is accepted, the guest editing process begins. Guest Editors are responsible for inviting authors, ensuring that contributions are submitted according to the established schedule, organizing a Cad_Lin Online Seminar, ensuring the quality of scientific content, and managing the peer review process via the Open Journal System - OJS. Guest Editors are also required to provide an introductory article that provides both expert and general readers with the appropriate context for the topic.
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Why guest edit a theme issue?
Editing a theme issue for Abralin's Cadernos de Linguistica is a significant investment of time and effort, but it can also be an enriching process with many advantages. Guest-editing a theme issue offers an opportunity to create a special edition on a topic of your choice and experience the following benefits:
Submitting a proposal
To submit a proposal, please fill out the proposal form. Before submitting, please ensure that all authors have given their consent to participate. Keep in mind that the proposal may be rejected, or changes may be requested, so inform all authors that their involvement may not be necessary.
Recommendations for preparing a proposal
Here are some recommendations to consider while preparing a proposal:
Structure of an issue
The journal offers flexibility in the types of articles it publishes for each issue. When submitting, authors can choose from a list of article types, but there is ample opportunity for a variety of contributions within these categories.
The introduction is a crucial component of the issue, and it is usually written by the guest editorial team. A well-written introduction is crucial to making the topic accessible to readers and convincing them of its significance.
A compelling introduction should provide an overview of the articles and set the tone for the rest of the issue, outlining the topics covered by each paper. A brief preface, written by a leader in the field, may also be included at the editor's discretion.
Cadernos de Linguística accepts submissions in the following categories: Research Report, Registered Report, Theoretical Essay, Literature Review, and Pilot Study.
The majority of the issue will feature research reports that present new ideas or data. These papers must be engaging and understandable to a broad audience, providing a prospective look into the field and exciting readers about its research possibilities. The format is flexible, and papers can fall under any of the categories listed above, provided they contribute something relevant and exciting to the overall issue.
It is crucial to include review papers in the issue, as they help attract a broad audience and explain the topic's importance to other fields of knowledge. Reviews should offer fresh insights into the subject, providing innovative and testable ideas, including constructive discussions and/or criticisms of the area. If appropriate, authors are encouraged to include new data in review articles.
Discussion papers that address specific topic issues and express various ideas and perspectives on the subject at hand are also welcome. The author's viewpoint may be included, but a balanced summary of the topic should always be included.
All submitted articles must not have been previously published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Cad_Lin receives submissions in any language.
When submitting a proposal for a theme issue, the proponents are expected to declare their awareness of Cadernos de Linguística's editorial policies and the guidelines for authors.
Guest Editors play a crucial role in ensuring the cohesion of a Theme Issue. They are responsible for defining the topic and the role of each article in the issue. Editors must guide authors, rather than leaving each article to their discretion, to ensure a complementary approach and the absence of overlap. It is important to define the boundaries of each article to achieve this goal. The Guest Editors should make every effort to cover all significant aspects of the topic while avoiding any overlap amongst articles. To achieve this, they must lay out a 'road map' for the issue and communicate it to all authors as soon as possible, along with any other necessary instructions.
If Guest Editors decide to make a public call for additional manuscripts, they must provide a clear text that outlines the expected contributions, based on the pre-established 'road map,' in addition to the manuscripts already secured. Guest Editors are expected to promote the public call.
Guest Editors must agree on a schedule for the editorial process and ensure that the requirements for paper submission are fulfilled, following the submission guidelines established by the journal.
If Guest Editors opt to have a Cad_Lin Online Seminar, they should be responsible for organizing it. The Seminar may take place in more than one session, at the discretion of the Guest Editors, and may be streamed online via Cad_Lin's YouTube account. Abralin will provide a Zoom account with a capacity for 100 participants so that Guest Editors can organize registration and participation in the Seminar.
Guest Editors will handle the peer review process using our online paper management system and make decisions on the papers with the help of the Editorial Office. In addition to the issue's Guest Editors, at least two referees must evaluate each article. They must strive to meet agreed-upon deadlines, keep the Editorial Office informed of any schedule changes, and request assistance if necessary. The Editorial Office will send reminders to writers and respond to their questions, but the Guest Editor is responsible for keeping the project on track. Delays caused by one author can have significant consequences, causing subsequent contributions to become obsolete and momentum to be lost.
Please contact the Editorial Office for authorization if you need to make any modifications, such as adding a replacement paper for an author who has withdrawn.
As Guest Editors, you are responsible for handling the papers and ensuring that the content meets the journal's high-quality standards. Each paper in your issue must be fresh, scientifically outstanding, and of interest to the public. You may need to reject some papers, so be prepared to do so and inform your authors of the possibility. Guest Editors also assist the Editorial Office in ensuring that all papers adhere to the journal's policies.
When you receive reviews for a manuscript, you must either approve it, reject it, or request revisions. Only approve a paper if you are confident that it is ready for production. The system will generate decision letters automatically, but you must modify the text by filling in specific instructions regarding the reviews. You may want to request that authors cross-cite other articles in the issue. For more information, please read our editor guidelines.
We can proceed with production once all accepted papers, including the Introduction, are received. The articles will be typeset, proofread, and sent to the authors for review during the production process.
Collaborate with the journal.