Search Results for President

Literacy and Its Challenges: Promoting Critical Thinking In Subliterate People

Kolinsky R;
Justino J;
Arnal C;
Tossonian M;
et al.
e319 Published: 23/04/2021

Deepfake and verbal violence in networker comments on Facebook

Oliveira MKA;
Albuquerque AMG;
Cunha DAC.
e557 Published: 10/11/2021

Between fiction and reality: scenography and critical ethos in a cover of the newspaper Extra

Chaise MJC;
Freitas EC;
Boaventura LH.
e550 Published: 10/11/2021

Language and languaging from a phonetic point of view

Cummins F;
Wang B.
e296 Published: 15/02/2021

The reception of early transformational grammar in Europe

Newmeyer FJ.
e285 Published: 13/01/2021
Found 12 items.