Search Results for Anthropology

Archiving and Language Documentation

Brandão AP;
Epps P;
Kung SS;
Moore D;
et al.
Published: 02/05/2023

Language and languaging from a phonetic point of view

Cummins F;
Wang B.
e296 Published: 15/02/2021

Semantics and indigenous languages

Sanchez-Mendes L.
e324 Published: 25/03/2021

Comprehension of spatial reference and cogntive impairment due to Alzheimer’s Disease

Leite JER;
Feist MI;
Toscano MN.
e483 Published: 27/10/2021

Línguas Indígenas e Gramática Universal: Review

Thomas G.
01-06 Published: 27/11/2020

How We Communicate (about Linguistics) Matters: Chat with Janaisa Viscard

Viscardi J;
Oliveira H.
e670 Published: 18/11/2022

Linguistic prejudice for humanizing machine

Freitag RMK.
e495 Published: 15/12/2021

The role of culture in the language(gem) and cognition

Everett D.
01-37 Published: 09/07/2020

Communicating Without Conventions: The Co-operation Model

Tomasello M.
e286 Published: 13/01/2021

New perspectives on the reading and early literacy processing

Scliar-Cabral L.
e333 Published: 15/02/2021
Found 23 items.