Search Results for Teaching and Learning

Te Hā o Te Reo: teaching the beauty of the māori language

Bortolotto MC;
Berardi-Wiltshire A.
01-15 Published: 29/09/2020

The Comprehension of the Writing Process and Its Contributions to Teaching and Learning

Rodrigues JV;
Barbosa Mota R;
Quintanilha Macedo L.
e707 Published: 31/12/2023

Teaching german in Brazil: focus on knowledge production

Guimarães FF.
e476 Published: 11/09/2021

Sociolinguistic variation and the public interest

Wolfram W.
e357 Published: 25/06/2021

Writing and text production: some reflexions for teaching

Iliovitz ER.
01-11 Published: 29/09/2020

Russian Immigrants in Brazil: to Understand, to be Understood

Henriques AS;
Fontes MAS;
Skrelin PA;
Kachkovskaia TV;
et al.
01-18 Published: 28/12/2020

Verbal working memory assessment in Russian-Brazilian Portuguese bilinguals

Skorobogatova AS;
Henriques AS;
Ruseishvili S;
Sekerina I;
et al.
e572 Published: 17/11/2021

Linguistics popularization in teacher education in Acre: teaching, research, and extension

Alves MCS;
Hanisch CV;
Cordeiro-Oliveira S;
Gomes EFO.
e652 Published: 06/09/2022

Literacy and Its Challenges: Promoting Critical Thinking In Subliterate People

Kolinsky R;
Justino J;
Arnal C;
Tossonian M;
et al.
e319 Published: 23/04/2021

New perspectives on the reading and early literacy processing

Scliar-Cabral L.
e333 Published: 15/02/2021
Found 37 items.