Online Dictionary of Kheuól do Uaçá, Karipuna and Galibi-Marworno Varieties Romling G; Santos GMF; Carvalho AC; Forte JS; et al. Research Report e685 _ 10.25189/2675-4916.2023.v4.n2.id685
The Kheuol Language Spoken in Samaúma Village Anicá LB. Research Report e683 _ 10.25189/2675-4916.2023.v4.n2.id683
Comparative Phonological Analysis of Terena Sign Language and Brazilian Sign Language Abreu WG. Research Report e684 _ 10.25189/2675-4916.2023.v4.n2.id684
The Revival of the Kali'na Telewuyu Language Jeanjacque ESS; Cunha EB; Silva NSL; Galiby KALM; et al. Research Report e697 _ 10.25189/2675-4916.2023.v4.n2.id697
The Apurinã Kusanaty: Diplomats and Guardians of the Planet Apurinã F. Research Report e698 _ 10.25189/2675-4916.2023.v4.n2.id698
Takãra: The Dissemination Center of the Ritualized Language Tapirapé NK. Experience Report e700 _ 10.25189/2675-4916.2023.v4.n2.id700
Strengthening Indigenous Language and Culture: The Cashinahua Project (2006-2011) Reiter S; Camargo E. Experience Report e686 _ 10.25189/2675-4916.2023.v4.n2.id686
Me Kunī Umari: Networked for the Linguistic Rights of Mebêngôkre (Kayapó) in São Félix do Xingu – PA Mendonça Junior C; Gomes APQ; Kayapó B; Menezes DS. Experience Report e687 _ 10.25189/2675-4916.2023.v4.n2.id687