Search Results for Ethos

Textual persuasion in the attempts to persuad the brazilian presidential political debate

Silva RB;
Santos MFO;
Santos JM.
01-17 Published: 03/11/2020

Between fiction and reality: scenography and critical ethos in a cover of the newspaper Extra

Chaise MJC;
Freitas EC;
Boaventura LH.
e550 Published: 10/11/2021

Self News: the news made for you

El-Jaick AP.
01-13 Published: 23/02/2021

Comprehension of spatial reference and cogntive impairment due to Alzheimer’s Disease

Leite JER;
Feist MI;
Toscano MN.
e483 Published: 27/10/2021

Aux limites de l’analyse du discours

Maingueneau D.
e336 Published: 14/02/2021

Discourse analysis of undergraduate students

Berg RS;
Votre SJ.
01-14 Published: 23/11/2020
Found 15 items.