Search Results for Linguistic Corpus

Archiving and Language Documentation

Brandão AP;
Epps P;
Kung SS;
Moore D;
et al.
Published: 02/05/2023

Prosody and Corpora

Mello H;
Mettouchi A;
Mithun M;
Panunzi A;
et al.
e385 Published: 01/08/2021

Mulitidimensional analysis: number in Linguistics

Delfino MCN.
e474 Published: 11/09/2021

Braporus, spoken corpus of heritage russian in Brazil: protocol of data collection

Henriques AS;
Skorobogatova AS;
Kachkovskaia TV;
Skrelin PA;
et al.
e629 Published: 26/09/2022

Challenges of Linguistic Data Management and Open Science

Freitag RMK;
Martins MAR;
Araújo A;
Battisti E;
et al.
e307 Published: 26/04/2021

Prosodic characteristics associated with punctuation marks: a scoping review

Galdino JC;
Silva KFT;
Oliveira Jr. M.
e468 Published: 25/11/2021

Letters of “quartel” offer in tupi from Potiguara leaders (1645)

Barros C;
Monserrat R.
e447 Published: 11/09/2021

A guide on extracting and tidying tweets with R

Adams JB;
Chiarelli CAJ.
e410 Published: 03/12/2021

The role of style in the use of postvocalic /S/ in a recontact sample

Henrique PFL;
Amorim AWD;
Hora D.
e621 Published: 25/03/2022
Found 98 items.