Search Results for Materiais Didáticos

Teaching german in Brazil: focus on knowledge production

Guimarães FF.
e476 Published: 11/09/2021

Actitudes hacia el español en Curitiba

Badiola González J.
e623 Published: 26/09/2022

Online Dictionary of Kheuól do Uaçá, Karipuna and Galibi-Marworno Varieties

Romling G;
Santos GMF;
Carvalho AC;
Forte JS;
et al.
e685 Published: 29/12/2023

A dicionarização como ferramenta de revitalização de línguas ameaçadas: dois relatos de experiência

Soares MAR;
Rodrigues Junior DC;
Galucio AV.
e704 Published: 29/03/2024

Collections of data open to society: linguistic and sociocultural memory and potential for (re)use

Machado Vieira MS;
Barbosa JB;
Freitag RMK;
Borges MM;
et al.
e607 Published: 24/01/2022

Discursive neurolinguistics analysis on the phonic method

Moutinho ICN.
e534 Published: 04/11/2021

Philological Considerations on Anchieta's Grammar: accent's use

Kaltner LF;
Cardozo M.
e360 Published: 19/06/2021

The loss and recovery of the guató language

Balykova K;
Godoy G.
01-15 Published: 26/11/2020

The Xakriabá Chants and the Akwe᷉ Language Reclaim

Rodrigues APS;
Silva MAO.
e691 Published: 29/03/2024

Me Kunī Umari: Networked for the Linguistic Rights of Mebêngôkre (Kayapó) in São Félix do Xingu – PA

Mendonça Junior C;
Gomes APQ;
Kayapó B;
Menezes DS.
e687 Published: 22/12/2023

The Kheuol Language Spoken in Samaúma Village

Anicá LB.
e683 Published: 22/12/2023
Found 42 items.