Search Results for foco

Archiving and Language Documentation

Brandão AP;
Epps P;
Kung SS;
Moore D;
et al.
Published: 02/05/2023

The Comprehension of the Writing Process and Its Contributions to Teaching and Learning

Rodrigues JV;
Barbosa Mota R;
Quintanilha Macedo L.
e707 Published: 31/12/2023

Studies in language development in Down Syndrome: joint attention in focus

Lima ILB;
Delgado IC;
Andrade CKS;
Melo ES;
et al.
e530 Published: 04/11/2021

Teaching german in Brazil: focus on knowledge production

Guimarães FF.
e476 Published: 11/09/2021

The relationship between L2 reading and executive functions: what the literature says

Rosso AC;
Pereira AKP;
Fontes ABAL.
e442 Published: 25/11/2021

Speakers doing Linguistics: how epilinguistic and metalinguistic activities concern Science

De Conto L;
Sanchez-Mendes L;
Rigatti PC.
e653 Published: 06/09/2022

Linguistics popularization in teacher education in Acre: teaching, research, and extension

Alves MCS;
Hanisch CV;
Cordeiro-Oliveira S;
Gomes EFO.
e652 Published: 06/09/2022

Writing and text production: some reflexions for teaching

Iliovitz ER.
01-11 Published: 29/09/2020

Línguas Indígenas e Gramática Universal: Review

Thomas G.
01-06 Published: 27/11/2020

Russian Immigrants in Brazil: to Understand, to be Understood

Henriques AS;
Fontes MAS;
Skrelin PA;
Kachkovskaia TV;
et al.
01-18 Published: 28/12/2020

Discourse analysis of undergraduate students

Berg RS;
Votre SJ.
01-14 Published: 23/11/2020

A dicionarização como ferramenta de revitalização de línguas ameaçadas: dois relatos de experiência

Soares MAR;
Rodrigues Junior DC;
Galucio AV.
e704 Published: 29/03/2024

Textual persuasion in the attempts to persuad the brazilian presidential political debate

Silva RB;
Santos MFO;
Santos JM.
01-17 Published: 03/11/2020
Found 142 items.