Search Results for Concordância

The acquisition of conversational rules: language in interaction

Diedrich MS;
Roque JI.
01-13 Published: 26/11/2020

Studies in contact sociolinguistics in Brazil: ethnolinguistic diversity in focus

Savedra MMG;
Christino B;
Pupp Spinassé K;
Araujo SSF.
e315 Published: 22/04/2021

The role of culture in the language(gem) and cognition

Everett D.
01-37 Published: 09/07/2020

Anchieta's grammar and humanistic renaissance history of grammar

Kaltner LF;
Santos MCS.
e356 Published: 23/08/2021

The relationship between L2 reading and executive functions: what the literature says

Rosso AC;
Pereira AKP;
Fontes ABAL.
e442 Published: 25/11/2021

Philological Considerations on Anchieta's Grammar: accent's use

Kaltner LF;
Cardozo M.
e360 Published: 19/06/2021

Cape Verdean migration to São Tomé and Príncipe: living conditions and perceptions

Freitas S;
Bandeira M;
Agostinho AL.
e482 Published: 11/09/2021

Comprehension of spatial reference and cogntive impairment due to Alzheimer’s Disease

Leite JER;
Feist MI;
Toscano MN.
e483 Published: 27/10/2021

Friend or foe: the morphological kinship between words

Cataldo J;
França A.
e499 Published: 14/12/2021

Phonetics, what kind of stuff is it?

Barbosa PA;
Madureira S;
Passetti RR;
Brescancini CR.
e325 Published: 17/03/2021
Found 57 items.