Search Results for INTEGRAÇÃO

Prosodic characteristics associated with punctuation marks: a scoping review

Galdino JC;
Silva KFT;
Oliveira Jr. M.
e468 Published: 25/11/2021

Argumentation and language acquisition: children's development and education

Vasconcelos AN;
Jiménez BV;
Silva FJMT.
01-16 Published: 03/11/2020

Challenges of Linguistic Data Management and Open Science

Freitag RMK;
Martins MAR;
Araújo A;
Battisti E;
et al.
e307 Published: 26/04/2021

Friend or foe: the morphological kinship between words

Cataldo J;
França A.
e499 Published: 14/12/2021

The Kiriri of Bahia’ “Sertons”: discussing documentation, revitalization and language

Souza PDS;
Rodrigues JJS;
Almeida FL;
Souza ÉMF.
01-20 Published: 13/12/2020

Development' monitoring of multimodal language matrix in a Down syndrome child

Lima ILB;
Sousa de Melo E;
Delgado IC;
Cavalcante MCB.
01-13 Published: 02/09/2020

Me Kunī Umari: Networked for the Linguistic Rights of Mebêngôkre (Kayapó) in São Félix do Xingu – PA

Mendonça Junior C;
Gomes APQ;
Kayapó B;
Menezes DS.
e687 Published: 22/12/2023

On Mario de Andrade’s Folk Linguistics

Gonçalves MRB.
e490 Published: 27/08/2021

Linguistics popularization in teacher education in Acre: teaching, research, and extension

Alves MCS;
Hanisch CV;
Cordeiro-Oliveira S;
Gomes EFO.
e652 Published: 06/09/2022
Found 44 items.