Search Results for Compreensão em Leitura

The relationship between L2 reading and executive functions: what the literature says

Rosso AC;
Pereira AKP;
Fontes ABAL.
e442 Published: 25/11/2021

The Comprehension of the Writing Process and Its Contributions to Teaching and Learning

Rodrigues JV;
Barbosa Mota R;
Quintanilha Macedo L.
e707 Published: 31/12/2023

Discursive neurolinguistics analysis on the phonic method

Moutinho ICN.
e534 Published: 04/11/2021

The paths of literacy

Morais J.
01-14 Published: 09/07/2020

Literacy and Its Challenges: Promoting Critical Thinking In Subliterate People

Kolinsky R;
Justino J;
Arnal C;
Tossonian M;
et al.
e319 Published: 23/04/2021

The role of style in the use of postvocalic /S/ in a recontact sample

Henrique PFL;
Amorim AWD;
Hora D.
e621 Published: 25/03/2022

Comprehension of spatial reference and cogntive impairment due to Alzheimer’s Disease

Leite JER;
Feist MI;
Toscano MN.
e483 Published: 27/10/2021

Prosodic characteristics associated with punctuation marks: a scoping review

Galdino JC;
Silva KFT;
Oliveira Jr. M.
e468 Published: 25/11/2021

New perspectives on the reading and early literacy processing

Scliar-Cabral L.
e333 Published: 15/02/2021

Textual persuasion in the attempts to persuad the brazilian presidential political debate

Silva RB;
Santos MFO;
Santos JM.
01-17 Published: 03/11/2020

Analysis of Anthroponyms for Famous People in Libras

Fonseca GJC;
Xavier A.
e774 Published: 17/06/2024
Found 116 items.