Search Results for Discourse analysis

Aux limites de l’analyse du discours

Maingueneau D.
e336 Published: 14/02/2021

Prosody and Corpora

Mello H;
Mettouchi A;
Mithun M;
Panunzi A;
et al.
e385 Published: 01/08/2021

Discourse, structure and history

Fiorin JL.
e291 Published: 13/01/2021

Discourse analysis of undergraduate students

Berg RS;
Votre SJ.
01-14 Published: 23/11/2020

Science in the media in times of pandemic

Ramos R.
e598 Published: 14/12/2021

Language and languaging from a phonetic point of view

Cummins F;
Wang B.
e296 Published: 15/02/2021
Found 74 items.