Search Results for Prosodia

Prosodic characteristics associated with punctuation marks: a scoping review

Galdino JC;
Silva KFT;
Oliveira Jr. M.
e468 Published: 25/11/2021

Prosodic determinants in syntactic change

Kato MA;
Duarte MEL.
e350 Published: 15/05/2021

Prosody and Corpora

Mello H;
Mettouchi A;
Mithun M;
Panunzi A;
et al.
e385 Published: 01/08/2021

The grammar in the body: on embodied resources in meaning construction and negotiation

Freitag RMK;
Cruz RCF;
Nascimento TC.
e354 Published: 15/05/2021

Linguistic variation in Portuguese spoken in Amapá

Sanches RD.
e498 Published: 30/09/2021

Phonological aspects in premature children aged 12 to 25 months

Silva KFT;
Payão LMC.
01-18 Published: 17/09/2020

Phonetics, what kind of stuff is it?

Barbosa PA;
Madureira S;
Passetti RR;
Brescancini CR.
e325 Published: 17/03/2021

Humor and argumentation in the child's speech: a bakhtinian approach

Vieira AJ;
Del Ré A.
01-22 Published: 29/11/2020

Discursive neurolinguistics analysis on the phonic method

Moutinho ICN.
e534 Published: 04/11/2021

Argumentation in the child’s speech: a dialogic and discursive approach

Ricci ALC;
Del Ré A;
Vieira AJ.
e561 Published: 24/11/2021

Le verbe: une étude des idées de Barbosa (1822)

Lisboa JTS.
e532 Published: 04/09/2021

The role of culture in the language(gem) and cognition

Everett D.
01-37 Published: 09/07/2020

Development' monitoring of multimodal language matrix in a Down syndrome child

Lima ILB;
Sousa de Melo E;
Delgado IC;
Cavalcante MCB.
01-13 Published: 02/09/2020
Found 38 items.