Search Results for Processo de Significação

Do Toddlers Argue? A Study Proposal for the Discourse of L. (2.6 to 3.6 years)

Gianesella Ferreira AL;
Del Ré A;
Vieira AJ.
e766 Published: 17/06/2024

The grammar in the body: on embodied resources in meaning construction and negotiation

Freitag RMK;
Cruz RCF;
Nascimento TC.
e354 Published: 15/05/2021

Superman in linguistics: between comics, speech and social change

Silva MT;
Acioli MD.
01-16 Published: 14/10/2020

Semioses and metamorphoses

Rastier F.
e344 Published: 06/03/2021

Historical discourse and doxa: the 80 gunshots case

Prazeres L;
El-Jaick APG.
e522 Published: 01/11/2021
Found 55 items.