Search Results for Oficinas de Língua

The Kiriri of Bahia’ “Sertons”: discussing documentation, revitalization and language

Souza PDS;
Rodrigues JJS;
Almeida FL;
Souza ÉMF.
01-20 Published: 13/12/2020

Experiences of Sakurabiat language and culture rescue

Guaratira SSC;
Costa CDN.
01-14 Published: 28/12/2020

Revitalization and teaching of the Puruborá language

Neto MO.
01-16 Published: 28/12/2020

The Revival of the Kali'na Telewuyu Language

Jeanjacque ESS;
Cunha EB;
Silva NSL;
Galiby KALM;
et al.
e697 Published: 22/12/2023


Franchetto B;
Maia M.
01-16 Published: 31/12/2020

The loss and recovery of the guató language

Balykova K;
Godoy G.
01-15 Published: 26/11/2020

Online Dictionary of Kheuól do Uaçá, Karipuna and Galibi-Marworno Varieties

Romling G;
Santos GMF;
Carvalho AC;
Forte JS;
et al.
e685 Published: 29/12/2023

How We Communicate (about Linguistics) Matters: Chat with Janaisa Viscard

Viscardi J;
Oliveira H.
e670 Published: 18/11/2022
Found 23 items.