Search Results for violência verbal

Deepfake and verbal violence in networker comments on Facebook

Oliveira MKA;
Albuquerque AMG;
Cunha DAC.
e557 Published: 10/11/2021

Literacy and Its Challenges: Promoting Critical Thinking In Subliterate People

Kolinsky R;
Justino J;
Arnal C;
Tossonian M;
et al.
e319 Published: 23/04/2021

Textual persuasion in the attempts to persuad the brazilian presidential political debate

Silva RB;
Santos MFO;
Santos JM.
01-17 Published: 03/11/2020

Superman in linguistics: between comics, speech and social change

Silva MT;
Acioli MD.
01-16 Published: 14/10/2020

The return of the iskonawa language

Alzza CR.
01-11 Published: 13/12/2020

Watjuho Ja’a: reclaimation of language and land in the Manoki nation

Bardagil B;
Kajoli CD;
Mampuche EL.
01-15 Published: 23/12/2020

How We Communicate (about Linguistics) Matters: Chat with Janaisa Viscard

Viscardi J;
Oliveira H.
e670 Published: 18/11/2022

Referencial processes on televisive politic debate: argumentatives and textuality aspects

Santos JM;
Silva RB;
Santos MFO.
01-14 Published: 03/11/2020
Found 23 items.