Search Results for Contato linguístico

Rating linguistics features and facial expressions: an approach of variation processing

Freitag R;
Tejada J;
Brito Í;
Pinheiro B;
et al.
01-19 Published: 14/08/2020

Phonological aspects in premature children aged 12 to 25 months

Silva KFT;
Payão LMC.
01-18 Published: 17/09/2020

Me Kunī Umari: Networked for the Linguistic Rights of Mebêngôkre (Kayapó) in São Félix do Xingu – PA

Mendonça Junior C;
Gomes APQ;
Kayapó B;
Menezes DS.
e687 Published: 22/12/2023

Linguistics popularization in teacher education in Acre: teaching, research, and extension

Alves MCS;
Hanisch CV;
Cordeiro-Oliveira S;
Gomes EFO.
e652 Published: 06/09/2022

From Theology to Philosophy: Latin as a Tool of La Raison in the Work of Du Marsais

Santos MCS;
Ferreira Kaltner L.
e722 Published: 29/03/2024

Actitudes hacia el español en Curitiba

Badiola González J.
e623 Published: 26/09/2022

The Xakriabá Chants and the Akwe᷉ Language Reclaim

Rodrigues APS;
Silva MAO.
e691 Published: 29/03/2024
Found 105 items.