Search Results for Ciência aberta

Preregistration of studies in experimental linguistics

Bin PR;
Mota MB.
e616 Published: 23/03/2022

Speakers doing Linguistics: how epilinguistic and metalinguistic activities concern Science

De Conto L;
Sanchez-Mendes L;
Rigatti PC.
e653 Published: 06/09/2022

A multimodal, multilanguage portal for the advancement of Open Science in the Humani-ties

Sardinha TB;
Madureira S;
Brait B;
Souza-e-Silva MCP;
et al.
e406 Published: 11/09/2021

Challenges of Linguistic Data Management and Open Science

Freitag RMK;
Martins MAR;
Araújo A;
Battisti E;
et al.
e307 Published: 26/04/2021

Collections of data open to society: linguistic and sociocultural memory and potential for (re)use

Machado Vieira MS;
Barbosa JB;
Freitag RMK;
Borges MM;
et al.
e607 Published: 24/01/2022

Science in the media in times of pandemic

Ramos R.
e598 Published: 14/12/2021

Archiving and Language Documentation

Brandão AP;
Epps P;
Kung SS;
Moore D;
et al.
Published: 02/05/2023

Argumentation in the child’s speech: a dialogic and discursive approach

Ricci ALC;
Del Ré A;
Vieira AJ.
e561 Published: 24/11/2021

Prosodic characteristics associated with punctuation marks: a scoping review

Galdino JC;
Silva KFT;
Oliveira Jr. M.
e468 Published: 25/11/2021

Linguistic variation in Portuguese spoken in Amapá

Sanches RD.
e498 Published: 30/09/2021
Found 85 items.