Search Results for Tópico discursivo

Topic-comment constructions in Jornal Nacional

Kleppa L.
01-18 Published: 01/09/2020

Argumentation in the child’s speech: a dialogic and discursive approach

Ricci ALC;
Del Ré A;
Vieira AJ.
e561 Published: 24/11/2021

Do Toddlers Argue? A Study Proposal for the Discourse of L. (2.6 to 3.6 years)

Gianesella Ferreira AL;
Del Ré A;
Vieira AJ.
e766 Published: 17/06/2024

Studies in contact sociolinguistics in Brazil: ethnolinguistic diversity in focus

Savedra MMG;
Christino B;
Pupp Spinassé K;
Araujo SSF.
e315 Published: 22/04/2021

Writing and text production: some reflexions for teaching

Iliovitz ER.
01-11 Published: 29/09/2020

How We Communicate (about Linguistics) Matters: Chat with Janaisa Viscard

Viscardi J;
Oliveira H.
e670 Published: 18/11/2022

Fake News: emotions as a discursive strategy

Ferreira MAP.
01-16 Published: 22/02/2021

The acquisition of conversational rules: language in interaction

Diedrich MS;
Roque JI.
01-13 Published: 26/11/2020

The grammar in the body: on embodied resources in meaning construction and negotiation

Freitag RMK;
Cruz RCF;
Nascimento TC.
e354 Published: 15/05/2021

On Mario de Andrade’s Folk Linguistics

Gonçalves MRB.
e490 Published: 27/08/2021
Found 28 items.